Walking: Week 4

Every month I’m picking one skill to practice everyday for a month and updating my progress every Monday. I call it Project Incremental. Read up on how it all got started. 

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The last week of September is finally here and so is my last week of walking as a September project. I’d be sad to see it go if I didn’t know for sure that I was going to keep this daily goal going. After walking 6 days a week for the 3 past weeks, I’ve rather come to enjoy the process. I don’t have to bargain with myself or promise sugary goodness to rack up a few more miles. I just make the time, put on my shoes, stretch, and start walking. 

Unfortunately, unexpected schedule changes throw me for a loop on occasion. Last Wednesday, for example, going for a long walk just wasn’t in the cards. I made up for it the next day by walking 3 miles and making that my new daily goal. 3 miles is doable but a challenge if I keep a brisk pace. Plus, it’s fun. Never thought I’d see myself type that out.

Walking all those miles will give me time to contemplate my next incremental project. Something crafty or Couch to 5K? Both?