Wander the Web 35

Will Rogers State Beach

Will Rogers State Beach

Fun and interesting links from the week.

Labyrinth Room Series by Matthew Borrett

The hand embroidery on this quilt label is wonderful.

The amazing Pinch Library and Community Center in Yunnan, China.

A brief tour of the Ístex Fiber Mill.

It’s so interesting to look into other people’s Bullet Journals.

Wander the Web 8

Red Umbrella.jpg

It’s September but it definitely still feels like summer around here. So long as I can still hang out on the beach, I’m not complaining. 

A few interesting things while we wait out the warm temps. 

...Said No Knitter Ever - Things you’ll never hear come out of a knitter’s mouth.

Started using the Bullet Journal System at the beginning of September to track my to-do lists and the random goodness I get up throughout the day. My list-making, grid-loving self is smitten.

MUPPTUALS - They’re puppets and they’re getting married. 

Amazing Windwaker Cake complete with Link, Zelda, and the King of Red Lions by Nerdache Cakes.

The Little Spaces Left Between Canal Houses

Why Wake Up At 3:30AM I'm a night owl for the exact same reasons.

August Break: Week 5

September has finally taken over and August Break is done until next year. I really enjoyed this project since it was a nice change from how I usually take random photographs. If I happen to see something I like, take a photo. Having to post a photo everyday made me keep an open eye to what was around and go find the good stuff. It felt like an adventure. I wanted to go places and do things so all my photos weren’t just of me piddling around at home. Even I would have gotten bored with that.

Being able to just whip out my phone to take a quick photo was a big help too. I never would have made it through the entire month if I had to carry around my actual camera, turn it on, and stress over editing before finally posting it to Twitter everyday. Gotta love smartphones for that. Plus, they let you keep the internet in your pocket and I’m support that.

I’m going to try and take more photos in the following months. Might not be everyday or depict some grand adventure but daily photos are worth the effort. 

Look back at the first 4 weeks of August Break: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4.

Every city needs a dinosaur fountain.

Every city needs a dinosaur fountain.

These messages are all over the Venice sidewalks.

These messages are all over the Venice sidewalks.

Trying out the Bullet Journal System to keep track of my to-do’s and random thoughts.

Trying out the Bullet Journal System to keep track of my to-do’s and random thoughts.